Ragnarok Online – Thor 2


Bonne année tout le monde !! J’ai été pas mal occupé ces temps ci … ^^;


Happy new year everyone !! I’ve been quite busy lately … ^^;

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Drawings (general), Fanart

6 Comments zu “Ragnarok Online – Thor 2”

  1. Turin
    20.01.09 9:19 am

    Hahaha, excellent, on reconnait trop les kasas, ils sont super bien fait.


  2. Olive
    20.01.09 9:08 pm

    Les persos aussi! Les vêtements, les ptits détails, c’est trop ca.


  3. Ryu umemoto
    28.01.09 7:59 am

    It is a long time , How are you?
    When investigating many things by WEB reached here.
    ( I am investigating the composer of “SEGA/Weston Aurail” now. )

    Your illustration was seen for the first time.
    It is an interesting touch. (^^)
    (It worries about the ability of this text to be translated…^^;)


  4. nikisiou
    28.01.09 2:32 pm

    Oh hello there Mr. Umemoto ! I’m glad you took the time to leave a message ! =p

    I “saw” you too on many occasions while searching for VGM informations as well those last months. It’s very nice to see a respected composer like you being himself so interested in VGM.

    Thanks for your visit. Some of the drawings here were done listening to your music. 😉


  5. Pidow
    06.03.09 10:24 am

    j’adore vraiment vos dessins.
    Ils sont vraiment bien fait et rigolo.
    J’espere que vous continurez a nous en faire bcp !!
    A bientot !


  6. nikisiou
    06.03.09 8:27 pm

    Hey merci beaucoup … J’espère me remettre à plus dessiner avec le printemps ~


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