

Vous voyez le petit truc qui indique quelle musique j’écoute là? Eh bien j’ai passé la nuit à y parvenir au lieu de faire les dessins QUE JE DOIS RENDRE DANS 10 JOURS!!!

Je me deteste quand je fait des trucs comme ça. =__=

You see that little thing displaying the music I’m listening to there? Well, I spent the night doing that instead of working on the drawings IM SUPPOSED TO SUBMIT IN 10 DAYS!!!

I hate myself when I do stuffs like that. =__=

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2 Comments zu “>_<”

  1. tash
    01.09.04 4:34 pm

    no, i don’t see it. =/ is that bad?


  2. BB
    01.09.04 5:01 pm

    Aaw… what happened to the cute little calendar?

    You’ve got ten days. You’ll manage to finish them and they’ll be spectacular, as always. Relax and have a bit of coffee and a cig. *hugs*


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