Borges and Plato: A Game with Shifting Mirrors. by Shlomy Mualem

By Shlomy Mualem

This comparative technique exhibits how the Platonic standpoint sheds new mild on Borges' essayistic and fictional paintings. Analyses to which volume his idea is deeply rooted in classical philosophical doctrines.

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By Shlomy Mualem

This comparative technique exhibits how the Platonic standpoint sheds new mild on Borges' essayistic and fictional paintings. Analyses to which volume his idea is deeply rooted in classical philosophical doctrines.

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It is thus, in essence, a poetic version of the genre of the fictional essay, and a lyrical variation of Plato’s intellectual dramas. As such, it combines the two modes of human perception, the pictorial and the abstract, offering the reader a more complex experience of reading. Let us conclude the track of our discussion. The most prominent point of agreement between Borges and Plato is the fact that they persistently tend to intertwine mythos and logos, and this tendency is the most salient trait of their writings.

40 Parallel to Plato’s hybrid genre, the philosophical myth, Borges interweaves logos and mythos, argumentations and pictures, dreams and reasoning, in two specific genres: the fictional essay in his prose and the intellectual poem in his verse. It is worthwhile to discuss each of them separately. In the prologue to his book The Garden of Forking Paths (1941), republished in the prologue of Fictions (1944), he depicts the gist of the fictional essay: It is a laborious madness and an impoverishing one, the madness of composing vast books – setting out in five hundred pages an idea that can be perfectly related orally in five minutes.

Me digo que esos gatos armoniosos, / El de crystal y el de caliente sangre, / Son simulacros que concede al tiempo / Un arquetipo eterno. Así lo afirma, / sombra también, Plotino en las ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ “Mualem” — 2011/12/7 — 8:06 — page 45 — #45 ✐   :      ✐ 45 Generally speaking, the Borgesian intellectual poetry combines verbal music and abstractions, constituting a via media between mythos and logos. It is thus, in essence, a poetic version of the genre of the fictional essay, and a lyrical variation of Plato’s intellectual dramas.

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