By John T. McNay (auth.)
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33 It should come as no surprise that Goldwater also attacked unions in Conscience; today’s Republicans who attack unions are definitely taking a page from Goldwater. He advocates all the traditional arguments in favor of union busting, including right-to-work legislation, and counters labor’s arguments with all the inaccurate clichés so common among those who railroaded Senate Bill 5 through the Ohio legislature. For example, Goldwater complains that unions donate to political candidates without consulting with the members who pay dues.
Instead, the award honored his genuine theoretical advances in understanding business cycles. The timing of the Nobel Prize, however, drew important attention to his flawed political concepts, which, just as they had done in the 1930s, wealthy conservatives picked up to defend their “Greed is good” ideology that blossomed in the 1980s. ” Britain’s conservative Economist magazine asked in 2002. 12 Nevertheless, despite its flaws, in the wake of the New Deal, many of the wealthiest moguls in the United States came to back an organization that was Hayek’s brainchild, the Mont Pelerin Society, named after a mountain resort in Switzerland near where the group first met in 1947.
34 Knowing now what would happen after the election, one can see in retrospect where the education issue was heading. Strickland was taking a real-world approach about how Ohio could put public schools The Storm Comes 21 on a fair and firm financial footing. The way to do that was clearly to increase state contributions to offset the dependence on the property tax so that all Ohio children would have an opportunity for an equal education. Kasich, on the other hand, during the campaign offered no solution and only criticized the cost of the Strickland plan.