By Steffan O'Sullivan
A hugely polished open and freely on hand obtain capable cross-genre position enjoying online game rule set from the early Nineteen Nineties. really worth a look.
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A hugely polished open and freely on hand obtain capable cross-genre function enjoying online game rule set from the early Nineteen Nineties. really worth a look.
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Note: For a less lethal game, subtract 1 from each type of weapon except sharpness. 68, Non-human Scale in Combat). 31, Melee Modifiers. Note: the attacker’s Strength Scale is relevant only for muscle-powered weapons and for those projectile weapons scaled to the attacker’s size, such as miniature bazookas or giant-sized handguns. A superhero of Scale 10 using an ordinary pistol would not figure his Scale into the Offensive Damage Modifier. Optional note, as an example of the detail you can achieve in FUDGE: for heavy blunt metal weapons, such as maces and flails, halve any protection from the defender’s armor, round down.
8 Weapon breaks, but still useful: –1 to damage. 9 … When in doubt, the GM should secretly make a Situational roll. If the PC in question has a trait that can affect a stranger’s reaction, this should grant a +/–1 (or more) to the result. Examples include Appearance (which could be an attribute, gift or fault), Charisma, Reputation, Status, and such habits as nose-picking or vulgar language. The Reaction roll can also be modified up or down by circumstances: bribes, suspicious or friendly nature of the NPC, proximity of the NPC’s boss, observed PC behavior, etc.
People trained in Karate tend to do more damage than those untrained in any martial art. 2) Do not use a Damage Capacity attribute; instead allow the players to take a gift of Damage Resistant (reduces wound severity by one) or a fault of Fragile (increases wound severity by one). Again, this adjustment can be one wound level, or one damage point. 4) The defender’s armor. People wearing thicker armor, and more of it, tend to get hurt less than those wearing no armor. Armor can be finely differentiated, or simply said to be Light, Medium, or Heavy armor.