Holography in Medicine and Biology: Proceedings of the by G. W. Stroke (auth.), Dipl. Phys. Gert von Bally (eds.)

By G. W. Stroke (auth.), Dipl. Phys. Gert von Bally (eds.)

The foreign Workshop on Holography in drugs and Biology was once held in MUnster, Federal Republic of Germany, on March 14th and fifteenth, 1979, on the medical institution of Otorhinolaryngology of the Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat in the body of the Symposium seventy nine of the Sonderforschungsbereich 88 "Teratology and Rehabilitation of sufferers with a number of Handicaps'' of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. actually, this workshop was once now not the 1st assembly dealing solely with biomedical purposes of holography and similar recommendations. the first actual symposium during this box used to be equipped by way of Prof. P. Greguss and came about in big apple in 1973. A moment one used to be held in MUnster in 1976 with the objec­ tive to enhance the communique one of the at the moment relatively isolatedly operating teams during this study area. the good reaction to that assembly gave encouragement to the association of one other one in MUnster, this time on a extra prolonged foreign base. hence, this workshop attracted eighty five scientists from thirteen international locations, i.e. Austria, Brazil, Czechoslovakia, Fed. Rep. of Germany, France, nice Britain, Hungary, Japan, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, united states, Yugoslavia.

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By G. W. Stroke (auth.), Dipl. Phys. Gert von Bally (eds.)

The foreign Workshop on Holography in drugs and Biology was once held in MUnster, Federal Republic of Germany, on March 14th and fifteenth, 1979, on the medical institution of Otorhinolaryngology of the Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat in the body of the Symposium seventy nine of the Sonderforschungsbereich 88 "Teratology and Rehabilitation of sufferers with a number of Handicaps'' of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. actually, this workshop was once now not the 1st assembly dealing solely with biomedical purposes of holography and similar recommendations. the first actual symposium during this box used to be equipped by way of Prof. P. Greguss and came about in big apple in 1973. A moment one used to be held in MUnster in 1976 with the objec­ tive to enhance the communique one of the at the moment relatively isolatedly operating teams during this study area. the good reaction to that assembly gave encouragement to the association of one other one in MUnster, this time on a extra prolonged foreign base. hence, this workshop attracted eighty five scientists from thirteen international locations, i.e. Austria, Brazil, Czechoslovakia, Fed. Rep. of Germany, France, nice Britain, Hungary, Japan, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, united states, Yugoslavia.

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In the following we are showing examples for quantitative evaluations of typical double exposure holograms in the fields of osteosynthesis and endoprosthesis research. Applications in osteosynthesis research Hum a n tibia with osteotomy supplied with autocompression plate (type MITTELMEIER) is deformed by driving of the left screw at the end of the plate (Fig. 2). 514 ~m) and a geometrical factor. The quantitative evaluations are given in Fig. 3 and 4. 0 relative deformation vertical to figure pla in lt"m) The next example shows the deformation of tibia without plate by bending on a 4-point-support.

If this is repeated for 25 before and after wear contour maps, using the same reference plane in both cases, the volume change due to wear is determined by subtraction of one volume from the other, provided the before and after wear contour information in the computer is to the correct scale and that any error in reorientation of the object after wear in the DIHC system is corrected. Scaling and orientation correction is achieved by having three dimensional reference points on the object of known two dimensional coordinates in the plane on which all three lie.

Tech. Phys. 12, 258 (1967) 8. Muftic: Proc. Ist Congr. Eur. , Zagreb (1977) 9. Hunter: Acta orthop. scand. Minns: Ph. D. Thesis, Dept Meehan. , Liverpool (1975) 11. Kimura: J. Fac. , Univ. Tokyo 5, 4, 319 (1974) 12. Sinclair: Clin. Orthop. 105, 309 (1974) 13. Clemens: Acta Orthop. Belg. 41, 24 (1975) 14. Lalor: Proc. Electrococh. , Munster (1976) 15. Hanser: Proc. Electrococh. , Munster (1976) 16. Seidel: proc. Electrococh. , Munster (1976) 44 III. Moire Topography The Development and the Present Status of Moire Topography H.

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