Introducing HTML5 (Voices That Matter) by Bruce Lawson, Remy Sharp

By Bruce Lawson, Remy Sharp

Without warning, everyone’s conversing approximately HTML5, and prepared or now not, you must get accustomed to this robust new improvement in internet and alertness layout. a few of its new good points are already being carried out through current browsers, and masses extra is round the corner.
Written via builders who've been utilizing the recent language for the earlier yr of their paintings, this booklet indicates you ways to begin adapting the language now to gain its merits on today’s browsers. instead of being simply an educational research, it concentrates at the practical—the difficulties HTML5 can clear up for you at once. via following the book’s hands-on HTML5 code examples you’ll learn:
* new semantics and buildings to assist your web site turn into richer and extra accessible

* find out how to observe an important JavaScript APIs which are already implemented

* the makes use of of local multimedia for video and audio
* ideas for drawing strains, fills, gradients, pictures and textual content with canvas

* how one can construct extra clever net forms
* implementation of recent garage thoughts and net databases
* how geolocation works with HTML5 in either net and cellular applications
All the code from this publication (and extra) is out there at

There seem to be intermittent issues of the 1st printing of Introducing HTML5. when you've got this kind of copies, please e-mail us at <u>[email protected]</u> with a duplicate of your receipt (from any reseller), and we'll both supply entry to the e-book or ship you one other reproduction of the print e-book -- whichever you wish. If you’d just like the booklet we will upload that in your account.  You can arrange a unfastened account at <<u></u>>;. thank you a lot on your understanding!


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By Bruce Lawson, Remy Sharp

Without warning, everyone’s conversing approximately HTML5, and prepared or now not, you must get accustomed to this robust new improvement in internet and alertness layout. a few of its new good points are already being carried out through current browsers, and masses extra is round the corner.
Written via builders who've been utilizing the recent language for the earlier yr of their paintings, this booklet indicates you ways to begin adapting the language now to gain its merits on today’s browsers. instead of being simply an educational research, it concentrates at the practical—the difficulties HTML5 can clear up for you at once. via following the book’s hands-on HTML5 code examples you’ll learn:
* new semantics and buildings to assist your web site turn into richer and extra accessible

* find out how to observe an important JavaScript APIs which are already implemented

* the makes use of of local multimedia for video and audio
* ideas for drawing strains, fills, gradients, pictures and textual content with canvas

* how one can construct extra clever net forms
* implementation of recent garage thoughts and net databases
* how geolocation works with HTML5 in either net and cellular applications
All the code from this publication (and extra) is out there at

There seem to be intermittent issues of the 1st printing of Introducing HTML5. when you've got this kind of copies, please e-mail us at <u>[email protected]</u> with a duplicate of your receipt (from any reseller), and we'll both supply entry to the e-book or ship you one other reproduction of the print e-book -- whichever you wish. If you’d just like the booklet we will upload that in your account.  You can arrange a unfastened account at <<u></u>>;. thank you a lot on your understanding!


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Additional info for Introducing HTML5 (Voices That Matter)

Example text

So let’s do that. Note as well that blog comments are typically shown in chronological order and have information such as author’s name and URL—in short, header information. 3. 3 The structure of a blog post, with comments as nested articles. com 30 I NTRO DU CI NG H TM L 5

I’m throwing a party at Dr Einstein’s Cabaret ¬ Roller-disco Bierkeller Pizza-parlour-a-gogo. Do come ¬ and dance to Rusty Trombone’s Swingin’ Brass Band. )

Published in the Parrtay!! 45 on 1 May 2010

I’ll be there.

And, some of those articles are divided into sections themselves. In other words, you can have parent

s with nested

s that in turn have one or many

s. uk Let’s continue with the newspaper theme and look at a real site and work out where you would use the new structures. uk. Let’s see how this could be represented in HTML5. Note that the following is how I would mark up this page; you might choose different structures, and that’s OK. com C H A P T ER 2 : T EXT : WOR K ING W IT H H T M L5 OUT LINES 43 how you intend to use the content—will you syndicate it, or pull it out of a database for display in several different page templates with a variety of heading hierarchies?


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On the website (but not in the screenshot), there are also a couple more

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