By Bradley Smith
Данное собрание японского искусства иллюстрирует эту историю великой и сложной цивилизации с шестого по двадцатый век.
Все 237 цветных фотографий сделаны специально для этой книги в музеях, в частных коллекциях в Киото, Токио, Кобе, Атами, Иокогама, Камакура и в других местах в Японии, а также в известных японских коллекциях в Бостоне и Вашингтоне.
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Of rice It also contain- ed the primitive elements of a planned economy. It read "Let 36 therefore in the winter months when they are at But from spring to autumn, when they are engaged in agriciilture or with the mulberry leisure. Article 16 of Prince Shotoku's constitution reflected ment taxes) at seasonable times. This is an anand excellent rule. Let them be employed cient trees, the people should not be so if employed. For they do not attend to agriculture, what will they have to eat? If they do not attend to the mulberry trees, what will they do for clothing ?
Under Piince his rule after the illustrious Shotoku's lienevolent guidance Buddhist cul- A ings of ture tloui'ished in Japan for the first ruled by example as well as precept. time. He He was a China. He under a central administration. to substitute merit 38 sons, Prince set up hier- and experience for heredity. setting forth appropriate rules of public conduct is attri1)uted to him. Prince Shotoku was in effect whose infiueneo was seminal development of his country. tico He so-called constitution of seventeen articles mentaries on the sacred scriptures of Buddhism, liis dynasty in archic ranks in the Imperial Court in an attempt a sage-i'uler u-itJi Han sought to bring the quarreling clans devout and learned Buddhist, and wrote com- • Hevcred Prince Sliotokn stanch Nara Osaka.
The indications of this are the drawings on the mysterious dotaku bells, which show primitive hunters on and reproductions of clay haniwa horses foot, usually shown with saddle and The beauty of the clay bridle. haniwa horses was brated in early legend. The NiJion SJwki cele(first chronicle of Japan) recounts the tale of a horse- man Hakuson who while riding by moonmet a strange horseman mounted on a handsome red charger. Hakuson rode alongside called light and the rider of the strange horse, divining wish for the red horses.