Nutrition support for infants and children at risk by Richard J Cooke; Yvan Vandenplas; U Wahn; Nestlé Nutrition

By Richard J Cooke; Yvan Vandenplas; U Wahn; Nestlé Nutrition Institute

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By Richard J Cooke; Yvan Vandenplas; U Wahn; Nestlé Nutrition Institute

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I wouldn’t tell anyone that infection might be good because it would be confusing. It is important for us to understand the right message. Certain infections might have longterm consequences on the infantile immune system. If this is true, we must understand the effect in order to mimic it and develop something which might be protective in the end; but so far this is not the final message. Dr. Rivera: My question is related to the issue that we should learn something from infection and allergy.

11] Cow’s milk Five IgE-binding epitopes (2 on ␣(s1)-casein, 1 on ␣(s2)casein, and 2 on ␬-casein) were not recognized by any of the patients with transient CMA but showed binding by the majority of the patients with persistent allergy. The presence of IgE antibodies against at least 1 of 3 epitopes (AA 123–132 on ␣(s1)-casein, AA 171–180 on ␣(s2)-casein, and AA 155–164 on ␬-casein) identified all patients with persistent CMA Jarvinen et al. [14] Egg white Beyer et al. [12] Peanut 10 patients with persistent CMA and 10 patients who subsequently outgrew their milk allergy; 25 decapeptides of ␣(s1)-casein, ␣(s2)casein, ␬-casein, ␣-lactalbumin, and ␤-lactoglobulin, comprising the core epitopes, synthesized on a SPOTs membrane; sera from individual patients were used for immunolabeling 11 children with transient and 7 children with persistent egg allergy; the central decapeptides from each of the major IgE-binding epitopes of ovomucoid synthesized on a SPOTs membrane; immunolabeling was done with individual patients’ sera 15 patients with symptomatic peanut allergy and 16 patients who were sensitized but tolerant.

J Allergy Clin Immunol 2003;111:S351. 15 Shreffler WG, Beyer K, Chu TH, et al: Microarray immunoassay: association of clinical history, in vitro IgE function, and heterogeneity of allergenic peanut epitopes. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2004;113:776–782. 16 Sampson HA: Food anaphylaxis. Br Med Bull 2000;56:925–935. 17 Simonte SJ, Ma S, Mofidi S, Sicherer SH: Relevance of casual contact with peanut butter in children with peanut allergy. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2003;112:180–182. 18 Hallett R, Haapanen LA, Teuber SS: Food allergies and kissing.

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