By Andrew Jaquith
Preface bankruptcy 1 creation: Escaping the Hamster Wheel of PainChapter 2 Defining safety MetricsChapter three Diagnosing difficulties and Measuring Technical SecurityChapter four Measuring application EffectivenessChapter five research TechniquesChapter 6 VisualizationChapter 7 Automating Metrics CalculationsChapter eight Designing safety Scorecards
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Whenever data are scarce, the standard approach is to build models from other fields and insert expert opinion to supplement the data. Thus, some well-informed modeling can help us figure out what good security metrics ought to look like. Modeling relates quite naturally to measuring. In the information security world, most observers who speak about “security metrics” generally think about them from the point of view of modeling threats, risk (or perceived risk), and losses. A vocal minority cares less about the modeling aspects per se and would rather just measure things.
But scoping the same metric down to the level of a particular business unit’s e-commerce servers can help much more, because they can make specific decisions about security provisioning and staffing for these servers based on the data. 25 CHAPTER 2 DEFINING SECURITY METRICS WHAT MAKES A BAD METRIC? Now that I have explained what makes a good metric, we should spend some time discussing what makes a bad one. The obvious (and short) explanation is that a bad metric fails to exhibit any of the qualities mentioned previously.
It is not the only number warehouse operators watch, but it is one of the most important. Supply chain operators also tend to look at freight cost per mile, percentage of “empty” (non-revenue-generating) truck miles, putaway and pick times, and distribution of “A” / “B”/ “C” velocity SKUs, among others. 5 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION: ESCAPING THE HAMSTER WHEEL OF PAIN Several themes emerge from the supply chain key indicators list. All of the indicators in the list: • • • • Incorporate measures of time or money.