Set Adrift Upon the World: The Sutherland Clearances by James Hunter

By James Hunter

They might be higher lifeless, they acknowledged, than set adrift upon the realm. yet set adrift they have been – hundreds of thousands of them, their groups destroyed, their houses demolished and burned. Such have been the Sutherland Clearances, a unprecedented episode, concerning the planned depopulation of a lot of a Scottish county. What was once performed during that episode was once deliberate and conducted by way of a small workforce of guys and one lady. such a lot of these concerned wrote very much approximately their activities, intentions and emotions, and lots more and plenty of it's been preserved. There are not any similar collections of fabric from these whose groups ceased to exist. Their emotions and fears are more durable to entry, yet they're in no way irrecoverable. during this e-book James Hunter tells the tale of the Sutherland Clearances. His researches took him to data in Scotland, England and Canada, to the now abandoned straths of Sutherland, to the frozen shorelines of Hudson Bay. the result's a gripping, relocating, definitive account of a people’s fight for survival within the face of tragedy and catastrophe along with reviews that have no longer featured in any prior such account.

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By James Hunter

They might be higher lifeless, they acknowledged, than set adrift upon the realm. yet set adrift they have been – hundreds of thousands of them, their groups destroyed, their houses demolished and burned. Such have been the Sutherland Clearances, a unprecedented episode, concerning the planned depopulation of a lot of a Scottish county. What was once performed during that episode was once deliberate and conducted by way of a small workforce of guys and one lady. such a lot of these concerned wrote very much approximately their activities, intentions and emotions, and lots more and plenty of it's been preserved. There are not any similar collections of fabric from these whose groups ceased to exist. Their emotions and fears are more durable to entry, yet they're in no way irrecoverable. during this e-book James Hunter tells the tale of the Sutherland Clearances. His researches took him to data in Scotland, England and Canada, to the now abandoned straths of Sutherland, to the frozen shorelines of Hudson Bay. the result's a gripping, relocating, definitive account of a people’s fight for survival within the face of tragedy and catastrophe along with reviews that have no longer featured in any prior such account.

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Extra info for Set Adrift Upon the World: The Sutherland Clearances

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15 The Marchioness of Stafford was told nothing of this when, a day or two after her Strathbrora expedition, she was shown around the Doll. She found the settlement a ‘pretty’ place, the marchioness reported, and was pleased to see its newly installed crofting families ‘working at their little harvests’. If, after sighting a newly derelict Carrol, Lady Stafford had felt some momentary qualms as to the long-run wisdom of what she, Lord Stafford and their agents were about, her inspection of the Doll helped set her mind at rest.

A roughly inscribed boulder by the shore of Hudson Bay marks the grave of Kildonan protest leader John Sutherland. 10. Churchill Creek, where emigrants from the Strath of Kildonan established their winter camp in the fall of 1813. 11. The Churchill River in winter. 12. York boats on the Hayes River. 13. The author looking out across a frozen Hudson Bay on a December day when the temperature was minus 35 degrees Celsius. Plate Section Two 1. Angus McCall, present-day tenant of Culmaily, near Golspie, Patrick Sellar’s first farm.

The Doll allotments are now all fixed,’ Suther reported to Loch. ’15 The Marchioness of Stafford was told nothing of this when, a day or two after her Strathbrora expedition, she was shown around the Doll. She found the settlement a ‘pretty’ place, the marchioness reported, and was pleased to see its newly installed crofting families ‘working at their little harvests’. If, after sighting a newly derelict Carrol, Lady Stafford had felt some momentary qualms as to the long-run wisdom of what she, Lord Stafford and their agents were about, her inspection of the Doll helped set her mind at rest.

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