By Ma R., Xu J., Gao H.
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In early season this creek can be raging, and you’ll need to find a log or two to cross it. Either just before or after this creek you can head west to the nearby lake and find adequate campsites. At an elevation of 8940 feet, Green Lake Ǡ3 can be on the nippy side for swimming, but there are slabs for drying out and sunbathing. The relatively large volume and chilly temperatures are ideal for a good-sized trout population.
75 mile long, and the trail parallels its east side for most of its length. From the outlet south to the southeast shore there are scattered, usually small campsites on granite benches shaded mostly by whitebark pines. Backpackers won’t want to continue, since camping possibilities are minimal at the increasingly exposed Nutter, Gilman, and Hoover lakes. 1 text_R 2/14/07 8:52 PM Page 41 Green Creek Basin West Lake and its western outliers. 5-mile-long trail up to this 9870-foot-high lake, with a pittance of whitebark-pine clusters and no acceptable, legal campsites, is not worth the effort.
31 The Robinson Creek Trail is the most popular route through the Hoover Wilderness and into the Yosemite north country, and justifiably so. This relatively short, scenic trail leads quickly into breathtaking subalpine terrain, and to glittering Peeler Lake. Most folks, however, climb only as far as Barney Lake, a route that is a popular dayhike. Green Creek Basin . . . . . . . . . 37 Large, attractive Green Lake is one of the most easily reached backpacker lakes in the North Yosemite area, and the hike up to it is memorable because of the diverse vegetation and the impressive views down-canyon from the multi-step climb.