A textual commentary on the Greek New Testament; a companion by Bruce M. Metzger

By Bruce M. Metzger

I actually love examining this. Checking passages from my devos to work out if there's any type of factor with the interpretation. A easy wisdom of historic Greek may be adequate for utilizing this source.

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By Bruce M. Metzger

I actually love examining this. Checking passages from my devos to work out if there's any type of factor with the interpretation. A easy wisdom of historic Greek may be adequate for utilizing this source.

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At the same time, however, in deference to the generally high reputation of the witnesses that attest the omission, the Committee thought it right to enclose the words within square brackets. In order to suggest more clearly that ver. 26 Page 94 all three times but, in the second and third instances, to enclose the word within square brackets. 44) supports Mark’s substitution of u`poka,tw (B Dgr Y 28 syrs copsa, bo al) for the Septuagint’s u`popo,dion. 6. 38) that many copyists were likely to make independently of one another.

88. 4 Op. , p. 76. 5 Ibid. 6 F. C. Conybeare, “Three Early Doctrinal Modifications of the Text of the Gospels,” Hibbert Journal, I (1902–03), pp. 96–102. 7 See also F. Crawford Burkitt, Evangelion da-Mepharreshe, II (Cambridge, 1904), p. 265, and Theodor Zahn, Introduction to the New Testament, II (Edinburgh, 1909), p. 565, who agree in taking the words as a Jewish interpretation, and not as a Greek witness supporting the text of the Sinaitic Syriac. 8 Dionysius Bar ‚al£b£, Commentarii in Evangelia, ed.

XCVIII (Paris, 1906), p. 46, lines 23 ff. (of the Syriac text), and pp. 35 ff. (of the Latin translation). For a discussion of the passage, see Wm. P. Armstrong, “Critical Note (Matt. , p. 70, lines 9 ff. (of the Syriac text), and p. 53 (of the Latin translation). -S. Marmardji, Diatessaron de Tatien (Beyrouth, 1935), p. 532. 11 Op. , II, p. 265. 12 So Marmardji, op. , p. 533, note. 13 For a fuller discussion of the readings, see B. M. Metzger’s contribution to Studies in New Testament and Early Christian Literature, ed.

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