Antisemitism: a historical encyclopedia of prejudice and by Richard S. Levy (Editor)

By Richard S. Levy (Editor)

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By Richard S. Levy (Editor)

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Johnston University of Illinois at Chicago Chicago, Illinois Frank, Leo (1884–1915) Ku Klux Klan (1915–1941) Populist Movement Watson, Tom (1856–1922) Jeremy Jones Executive Council of Australian Jewry Sydney, Australia Australia Jonathan Judaken University of Memphis Memphis, Tennessee Action Française (1899–1945) Barrès, Maurice (1862–1923) Camelots du Roi (1908–1936) Drumont, Édouard (1844–1917) France (1789–1939) France juive, La (1886) Maurras, Charles (1868–1952) Sartre, Jean-Paul (1905–1980) Stavisky Affair (1933–1934) Gema A.

On the subject of antisemitism, perhaps more than most, it is important to bear in mind that intelligent people can disagree profoundly on its general and specific meaning, as well as the highly vexed questions it engenders. In preparing an encyclopedia on antisemitism, decisions also have to be made on which general subjects to include. Two topics are particularly problematic. The first—the Holocaust—must, of course, be accorded its due importance. However, there are already encyclopedic works devoted to this widely ramified subject; it would be futile to try to duplicate them yet difficult to avoid some overlap.

Thus, there is no need in this encyclopedia for an entry on the Jewish Wars (66–73 and 132–135 CE) waged by the Romans in Palestine: they were no different from Rome’s other brutal wars of repression against rebellious peoples. However, the status of Jews within the Roman Empire does require treatment because it displayed unique characteristics that applied to no other people the Romans held in their power. Antisemitism, broadly conceived, has not only a lengthier history, lengthier than any other species of ethnic or cultural enmity, but is also the only prejudice that has scriptural sanction.

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