Basic Developments in Fluid Dynamics by Maurice Holt

By Maurice Holt

Easy advancements in Fluid Dynamics

summary: simple advancements in Fluid Dynamics

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By Maurice Holt

Easy advancements in Fluid Dynamics

summary: simple advancements in Fluid Dynamics

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14) where the contour T is CBAC. The extension of the original path AB along 26 T. YAO-TSU WU the solid surface to T is permitted, since ww = 1 on CA and BC. The first term of the last integral becomes Fi = -jip f ! df w at i • A / Aw /^A 2 by integration by parts, where co'(t) = d(\og w l)jdt. The complex conjugate of the second integral is F2 = \\p I wwdz = \ip JCABC wdf = \ip CABC Jw /Ttdt = ' 2 fwco'(t) dt. 15) Furthermore, both w(t) and a)\t) are regular at t0. 16) where co0' = co'(t0). Upon separation of the real and imaginary parts, D = -npl~ - U\ R e [ f l G ) M L = -npl^ + u\ I m [ B ^ o ) ] .

An empirical method for correcting the tunnel wall effect, which was found to be quite appreciable for pressure distribution readings, has been developed by Meijer (1965); this method is supported by tests with models of three different sizes. As can be seen from Fig. 18b for a = 10° and flap angle t:n = 60°, the theoretical predictions of Cp are found to be in good agreement with the experiments except in a small neighborhood of the hinge corner of the flap. This local deviation from the inviscid approximation may be attributed to the viscous effect, which is appreciable enough to result in a separated bubble due to an adverse pressure gradient at the sharp concave corner, though very little is known about the flow within the bubble.

12. Variation of CM with o for the flat plate. experimental data of Parkin (1956). From these results the location of the center of pressure v = CM/CN can be easily obtained; this result is shown in Fig. 13. Also shown here is the location of the stagnation point, \i = x(0)/x(l). 3 Symmetric Wedge Consider the cavity flow past a symmetrical wedge of half vertex angle fin. The limiting case of infinite cavity at o = 0 is known as Bobyleffs problem; the problem with a > 0 has been treated using different cavity 33 INVISCID CAVITY AND WAKE FLOWS V *H- 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 DEGREE , a FIG.

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