Biochemistry of Plant Phenolics by C. F. Van Sumere, W. Van Brussel, K. Vante Casteele (auth.),

By C. F. Van Sumere, W. Van Brussel, K. Vante Casteele (auth.), Tony Swain, Jeffrey B. Harbone, Chris F. Van Sumere (eds.)

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By C. F. Van Sumere, W. Van Brussel, K. Vante Casteele (auth.), Tony Swain, Jeffrey B. Harbone, Chris F. Van Sumere (eds.)

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20 over 25 ~ dry packing can be recommended. However, for smaller particle sizes, slurry packing is advisable (see also Saunders74 ). Solvents for HPLC In connection with the mobile phase, it can be stated that the choice of solvent (which must be compatible with the apparatus and the type of detection) can be simplified by considering the major solvent properti~s: strength selectivity, compatibility and viscosity7~. * Nevertheless, it should be kept in mind that a weak solvent in normal partition chromatography may be a very strong solvent in reversed-phase chromatography and vice-versa.

Solvent Induced Shifts This solvent shift technique is carried out by running the spectra of the compound in mixtures of CDCl -C D6 solution with progressive dilution with ChD6 . Thu~ tRe methyl proton signals of polyphenol methyl etners are shifted up field upon increasing addition of benzene, providing that at least one position ortho to the methoxyl group is unsubstituted". This fact has ~~en utilized in the structure elucidation of flavonoids ,coumarins 33 , and xanthones 53 . This technique has been well utilized for the determination of the inter-flavonoid linkages in biflavanoids 52 .

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