Consumerism, Waste, and Re-Use in Twentieth-Century Fiction: by Rachele Dini

By Rachele Dini

This publication examines synthetic waste and remaindered people in literary opinions of capitalism by way of twentieth-century writers linked to the historic avant-garde and their descendants. construction on contemporary paintings in new materialism and waste experiences, Rachele Dini reads waste as a strategy or section amenable to interruption. From an preliminary exploration of waste and re-use in 3 Surrealist texts by means of Giorgio de Chirico, André Breton, and Mina Loy, Dinitraces the conceptualization of waste within the writing of Samuel Beckett, Donald Barthelme, J.G. Ballard, William Gaddis, and Don DeLillo. In exploring the connection among waste, capitalism, and literary experimentation, this ebook indicates that the legacy of the ancient avant-garde is certain up with an everlasting religion within the radical capability of waste. the 1st research to concentration particularly on waste within the twentieth-century mind's eye, this can be a necessary contribution to the increasing box of waste studies.

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By Rachele Dini

This publication examines synthetic waste and remaindered people in literary opinions of capitalism by way of twentieth-century writers linked to the historic avant-garde and their descendants. construction on contemporary paintings in new materialism and waste experiences, Rachele Dini reads waste as a strategy or section amenable to interruption. From an preliminary exploration of waste and re-use in 3 Surrealist texts by means of Giorgio de Chirico, André Breton, and Mina Loy, Dinitraces the conceptualization of waste within the writing of Samuel Beckett, Donald Barthelme, J.G. Ballard, William Gaddis, and Don DeLillo. In exploring the connection among waste, capitalism, and literary experimentation, this ebook indicates that the legacy of the ancient avant-garde is certain up with an everlasting religion within the radical capability of waste. the 1st research to concentration particularly on waste within the twentieth-century mind's eye, this can be a necessary contribution to the increasing box of waste studies.

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Literature primes us, like children, to look for the meaning within things—to anticipate that the sticky sludge pooling out from under the sink is toxic and assume the bric-a-brac found in a flea market or car boot sale serves a revelatory purpose. Crucially, the imaginative leap required to understand a character’s fascination with an object of waste is greater than that required to understand their desire for money or material goods: it involves a logical inversion, thus reminding us of the idiosyncrasies of lived experience itself.

Bragard is citing Dana Phillips and Heather Sullivan, “Material ecocriticism: Dirt, waste, bodies, food, and other matter,” ISLE 19. 3 (2013): 445–447. 40. Primo Levi, Se questo é un uomo (Einaudi: Torino, 2012 [1947]). 41. Ivan Klíma, Love and Garbage (London: Picador, 1990 [1986]), 2. Henceforth, LG. 42. Peter Boxall, The Value of the Novel (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016), 13. INTRODUCTION 31 43. Virginia Woolf. The Common Reader, Second Series (London: Vintage, 2003 [1926]), 380.

THE CASE FOR PURSUING “THIS UNATTRACTIVE OCCUPATION”57 This project extends the parameters of waste theory to consider the economic dimension of waste, an area under-explored by scholars in the discipline, and to indicate how literary criticism with an investment in socio-economic contexts, in turn, might benefit from waste theory. I intend to draw out the extent to which waste narratives indebted to the historical avant-garde parody the economistic tendencies of Western capitalism—that is, its tendency to reduce all social phenomena to exchange values and to view (human) life as merely a process of producing, selling, and acquiring things.

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