By László Nádai, József Padányi
This booklet provides fresh examine within the attractiveness of vulnerabilities of nationwide platforms and resources which won distinct cognizance for the severe Infrastructures within the final twenty years. The e-book concentrates on R&D actions within the relation of serious Infrastructures targeting improving the functionality of companies in addition to the extent of protection. The ambitions of the booklet are in keeping with a venture entitled "Critical Infrastructure defense Researches" (TÁMOP-4.2.1.B-11/2/KMR-2011-0001) which targeting cutting edge UAV recommendations, robotics, cybersecurity, floor engineering, and mechatornics and applied sciences delivering secure operations of crucial resources. This record is summarizing the methodologies and efforts taken to satisfy the objectives outlined. The venture has been played via the consortium of the Óbuda college and the nationwide college of Public Service.
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The higher the importance of the parameter, the larger the applied weight is. Because of the large number of variables the direct determination of weights was excluded. We applied a widely used technique in different fields of life except meteorology so-called Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) which was introduced by Weather Forecasting System … 27 Saaty [9]. This method is mainly used in multi-criteria decision making, especially in solving complex problems from most different fields [10, 11]. AHP was used only for determining the applicable weights for the different parameters as criteria.
Sci. Eng. Technol. 76, 1124–1129 (2013) 7. : Guidelines for eliciting expert judgment as probabilities or fuzzy logic. J. ) Fuzzy Logic and Probability Applications: Bridging the Gap, pp. 105– 123. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (2002) 8. : Application of analytic hierarchy process (AHP) in fuzzy logic-based meteorological support system of unmanned aerial vehicles. Acad. Appl. Res. Mil. Sci. 12, 221–228 (2013) 9. : A scaling method for priorities in hierarchical structures. J. Math.
Domján Á P. com Á. hu S. com K. com P. hu © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 L. Nádai and J. 1007/978-3-319-28091-2_4 47 48 Z. Dudás et al. 1 Introduction The UAV proliferation these days is not a question. UAV’s beside their military applications are obvious to use as CIP elements for example political and state administration centers, hazardous facilities, power plants, important economical facilities etc. Though developing UAV operations for state purposes on one hand can be very effective, the other hand for instance their safely integration in the conventional air traffic raises many questions.