Energy and Morse index of solutions of Yamabe type problems by Ben Ayed M., El Mehdi K., Pacella F.

By Ben Ayed M., El Mehdi K., Pacella F.

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By Ben Ayed M., El Mehdi K., Pacella F.

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C. A head cannot take another head as a complement (Kayne (199[4]): 8). d. A head cannot have more than one complement (Kayne (199[4]): 136, fn. 28). Along with these standard properties of X-bar theories, the following special properties can also be derived from the LCA (via the de®nition of c-command based on the segment/category distinction): (21) a. A speci®er is an adjunct (Kayne (199[4]): 17). b. There can at most be one adjunct/speci®er per phrase (Kayne (199[4]): 22). c. At most one head can adjoin to another head (Kayne (199[4]): 20¨ ).

Let us start with the small clause type, (1a). This structure includes two nonterminals (YP and ZP) that c-command each other and that contain at least another nonterminal (Y 0 and its complement QP, Z 0 and its complement RP); the nonterminals projecting YP and ZP, then, would prevent the tree from linearizing. For the sake of clarity, I represent the situation in greater detail in (11) by indicating the terminals dominated by the head of YP (y) and by the head of ZP (z). , z precedes y). , y precedes z).

The situation parallels the one in (14); that is, (F, L) is a point of symmetry. 8 Limiting ourselves to looking at the LCA-compatible structures, we can see that most stipulated properties of X-bar theoriesÐin particular, the ones listed in (20)Ðcan be derived from the LCA. In what follows I will rely heavily on the schema given in Cinque 1996, 449¨. (from which (20) and (21) are quoted). (20) a. There can be no phrase dominating two (or more) phrases (Kayne (199[4]): 11). b. There cannot be more than one head per phrase (Kayne (199[4]): 8).

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