Investigations in Stellar Spectroscopy I. A Quantitative by Adams W. S.

By Adams W. S.

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By Adams W. S.

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22 PA R T I : C O N D I T I O N I N G P R I N C I P L E S A N D S E L F - A S S E S S M E N T ClimbingSpecific Conditioning General Conditioning Conditioning Principles and Self-Assessment Performance Nutrition on nti ve re yP jur In Co nd iti on ing Pr og ra ms P A R T II C H A P T 3 E R T H R E E Warm-Up Activities and Flexibility Conditioning Consider that movement is the very essence of the vertical dance we call climbing. From this perspective, there should be no debate that warm, flexible muscles and joints will facilitate smooth, efficient movements.

Use the scale below to assess your lifestyle and level of self-discipline. 1 Graph Your Self-Assessment Profile 25 20 15 10 5 Experience Technique Mind General Conditioning SportSpecific Injury Prevention Nutrition Lifestyle & Discipline Creating your assessment profile. Upon completing and scoring this full self-assessment package, it’s beneficial to plot the results to obtain a graphical profile. 1, draw bar graphs according to your score in each part of the package. Take note of your three shortest bars.

You can maximize your results by performing every stretch in this chapter—in the order they are presented—and by following the stretching guidelines provided in the Tips for Safe and Effective Stretching box on page 40. Warm-Up Activities There are several warm-up activities that you should engage in before moving on to targeted stretching of the climbing muscles. The best strategy is to begin with a general warm-up activity to increase heart rate and body temperature. Next is a series of arm and torso movements to warm individual muscles and spread synovial fluid through the joints.

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