Langman's Medical Embryology by T. W. Sadler

By T. W. Sadler

Offering unparalleled complete colour diagrams and scientific photographs, Langman's scientific Embryology, 13e is helping clinical, nursing, and healthiness professions scholars increase a simple realizing of embryology and its medical relevance. Concise bankruptcy summaries, beautiful scientific correlates containers, medical difficulties, and a transparent, concise writing sort make the subject material available to scholars and appropriate to instructors.
the recent version is better via over a hundred new and up-to-date illustrations, extra medical photos and photographs of early embryologic improvement, and an increased bankruptcy at the cardiovascular method. additionally, on-line instructing and studying assets comprise the totally searchable textual content on-line, in addition to an interactive Quiz financial institution for college kids and a picture bank.
  • Clinical Correlates packing containers illustrated by way of instances and photographs disguise delivery defects, developmental abnormalities, and different scientific phenomena.
  • More than four hundred illustrations—including full-color line drawings, scanning electron micrographs, and scientific images—clarify key elements of embryonic development.
  • Basic genetic molecular biology ideas are highlighted during the textual content to hyperlink embryology to different severe specialties.
  • Chapter review figures supply a visually compelling creation to every chapter.
  • Problems to unravel (with precise solutions in the back of the ebook) assist you check your understanding.
  • An extended thesaurus defines keywords and concepts.
  • An on-line interactive USMLE-style query financial institution is helping you evaluation for assessments and get ready for the Boards.

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By T. W. Sadler

Offering unparalleled complete colour diagrams and scientific photographs, Langman's scientific Embryology, 13e is helping clinical, nursing, and healthiness professions scholars increase a simple realizing of embryology and its medical relevance. Concise bankruptcy summaries, beautiful scientific correlates containers, medical difficulties, and a transparent, concise writing sort make the subject material available to scholars and appropriate to instructors.
the recent version is better via over a hundred new and up-to-date illustrations, extra medical photos and photographs of early embryologic improvement, and an increased bankruptcy at the cardiovascular method. additionally, on-line instructing and studying assets comprise the totally searchable textual content on-line, in addition to an interactive Quiz financial institution for college kids and a picture bank.
  • Clinical Correlates packing containers illustrated by way of instances and photographs disguise delivery defects, developmental abnormalities, and different scientific phenomena.
  • More than four hundred illustrations—including full-color line drawings, scanning electron micrographs, and scientific images—clarify key elements of embryonic development.
  • Basic genetic molecular biology ideas are highlighted during the textual content to hyperlink embryology to different severe specialties.
  • Chapter review figures supply a visually compelling creation to every chapter.
  • Problems to unravel (with precise solutions in the back of the ebook) assist you check your understanding.
  • An extended thesaurus defines keywords and concepts.
  • An on-line interactive USMLE-style query financial institution is helping you evaluation for assessments and get ready for the Boards.

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14 13 * Ir K )! 7 A. Translocation of the long arms of chromosomes 14 and 21 at the centromere. Loss o f the short arms is not clinically significant, and these individuáis are clinically normal, although they are at risk fo r producing offspring w ith unbalanced translocations. B. Karyotype of translocation of chromosome 21 onto 14, resulting in Down syndrome. T r is o m y 21 [D o w n S y n d r o m e ] Down syndrom e is caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21 (trisom y 21) (Fíg. 8]. Features o f children w ítii Down syndrom e include grow th reta rda tion; varying degrees o f in tellectual disability; cranio fad al abnorm alities, includíng upw ard slantíng eyes, epícantlial folds (extra skin folds a t th e medial corners o f th e eyes], fía t facies, and sm all ears; cardiac defects; and hypotonia (Fig.

Each gamete then contains 23 chromosomes. Crossover Crossovers, critical events in meiosis I, are the interchange o f chrom atid segments between paired homologous chromosomes (Fig. 4C). Segments o f chromatids break and are exchanged as homologous chromosomes separate. 4 First and second m eiotic divisions. A. Homologous chromosomes approach each other. B. Homologous chromosomes pair, and each m ember of the pair consists of tw o chromatids. C. Intimately paired homologous chromosomes interchange chromatid fragm ents [crossover].

W hen, a t fe rtiliz a tio n , a g am ete having 23 chrom osom es fuses w ith a gam e te having 24 or 22 chrom osom es, th e re s u lt is an in dividual w ith e ith e r 47 c h ro m o ­ som es (trisom y] or 45 chrom osom es (m onosom y). N o ndisjunction , w h ich occurs during e ith e r th e fir s t or th e second m e io tic divisió n o f th e germ cells, m ay in vo lve th e a u tosom es o r sex chrom osom es. In w o m en, th e incidence o f ch rom osom al abn orm a litie s, in cluding n o n ­ d isjunctio n, increases w ith age, e spe cially a t 35 years and oider.

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