By Ya-Ru Chen
This quantity is predicated at the premise that during an period of swift globalization, whereas there's a good deal of convergence on many features of staff methods and interactions throughout nationwide cultures, it's the figuring out and appreciation of the divergence between humans of alternative nationwide cultural backgrounds that make all of the distinction. individuals to this quantity handle extensive vital questions: (1) Do our theories of teams and groups functioning practice universally? (2) How do our theories observe, if in any respect, in multicultural settings? additionally, this quantity highlights new fascinating themes within the cross-cultural zone: energy, time, creativity, feelings, networks, and multi-cultural range. jointly, the chapters attest to the truth that learn of nationwide tradition is thriving and demanding. It not just informs but in addition modifies and enriches theories and study of staff strategies and social habit. The collective attempt during this publication should still stimulate extra inquiry concerning the position of nationwide tradition within the more and more globalized human adventure.
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Example text
Brewer, M. , & Li, Q. (2004). Dynamic entitativity: Perceiving groups as actors. In: V. Yzerbyt, C. Judd & O. Corneille (Eds), The psychology of group perception: Perceived variability, entitativity, and essentialism (pp. 25–38). New York: Psychology Press. Burt, R. S. (1992). Structural Holes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. , & Hong, Y. (1992). The effects of intentionality and validation on individual and collective responsibility attribution among Hong Kong Chinese. Journal of Psychology, 126, 291–300.
Likewise, people in societies where personal agency is a norm and a value should also assume that other people possess higher levels of agency. , he is often late to work because he is lazy and disorganized) (Ross, 1977). , he is often late to work because he has four children he has to care for every morning) (Morris & Peng, 1994; Shweder & Bourne, 1982). Rather than assuming that cause resides with individuals who personally control and direct outcomes in the environment, interdependent selves perceive action holistically, and assume that cause resides with the surrounding context (Nisbett, Peng, Choi, & Noranzayan, 2001).
Instead of focusing on the process by which interdependent selves are attuned to others and promote group harmony, we examine how they are attuned to others yet promote self-interest. We argue in this paper that the exercise of personal agency, even under this ‘‘Western’’ definition of the term, is still compatible with an interdependent orientation. Specifically, we question the assumption that the boundary between self and ingroup is blurred, such that there is either no conflict between individual and group goals, or if there is a conflict, the interdependent individual resolves it by adjusting to the group.