Nutrition in the Middle and Later Years by Elaine B. Feldman

By Elaine B. Feldman

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By Elaine B. Feldman

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Example text

34. Coulehan JL, Kapner L, Eberhard S, et al: Vitamin C and upper respiratory illness in Navajo children: Preliminary observations. Ann ΝΎ Acad Sei 1975;258:513-522. 35. Vitamin C toxicity. Nutr Rev 1976;34:236-237. 36. Hodges RE: Food fads and megavitamins, in Hodges RE (ed): Nutrition in Medical Practice. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1980. 37. Hayes KC, Hegsted DM: Toxicity of vitamins, in Committee on Food Pro­ tection. Toxicants Occurring Naturally in Foods, ed 2. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences, 1973.

New York, Macmillan, 1975. 30. Irwin ME, Hutchins BK: A conspectus of research on vitamin C require­ ments of man. / Nutr 1976;106:827-879. 31. Riccitelli ML: Vitamin C therapy in geriatric practice. / Am Geriatr Soc 1972;20:34-42. 32. Pauling L: Vitamin C and the Common Cold. San Francisco, WH Freeman, 1970. 33. Anderson TW, Reid DBW, Beaton GH: Vitamin C and the common cold: A double-blind trial. Can Med Assoc ] 1972;107:503-508. 34. Coulehan JL, Kapner L, Eberhard S, et al: Vitamin C and upper respiratory illness in Navajo children: Preliminary observations.

Americans as a whole consume a high fat diet. Both heart disease and obesity have been associated with high fat intake. There is not sufficient evidence to state that everyone should consume a low fat diet (ie, less than 30% of calories), but a diet containing less fat than the typical American diet is probably not harmful. This is especially true for the elderly since their energy needs are decreased, but not the need for other nutrients. Nutritional needs are met better by proteincontaining foods or complex carbohydrates rather than fat.

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