Occupation and Pay in Great Britain 1906–79 by Guy Routh

By Guy Routh

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By Guy Routh

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Higher professional A B lB. Lower professional A c 8 c 2. Employers, proprietors, A B 3. Clerical workers A B administrators, managers 4. Foremen, inspectors c c A B c 5. Skilled manual workers A B 6. Semi-skilled manual A B workers 7. Unskilled manual workers c c A B c 113 101 89 106 115 108 97 103 106 110 139 126 107 112 105 101 94 93 96 86 90 104 147 141 104 113 109 106 98 92 102 99 97 102 104 102 95 107 113 99 93 94 99 103 104 103 105 102 129 169 131 123 136 Ill 93 101 108 Ill 153 138 109 170 156 103 93 90 90 93 103 108 81 75 134 170 127 153 166 108 100 118 118 116 130 112 91 148 163 91 86 95 93 77 83 100 99 99 204 329 161 210 255 121 103 123 119 146 287 197 100 300 300 93 71 76 79 64 81 116 124 107 44 Occupation and Pay in Great Britain 1906-79 its proportion would have increased by 6 per cent.

In 1921, costing and estimating clerks were distinguished and in 1931, typists. In 1951 there was a further subdivision into shorthand typists, typists, other office machine operators and book-keepers. In 1961 there was a partial reversion to 1931 and in 1971 we have clerks, cashiers; office machine operators; typists, shorthand writers, secretaries. Professionally qualified accountants have throughout been classified separately. d canvassers on the grounds that this is the least inappropriate class in which to put them.

THE EFFECTS OF INDUSTRIAL CHANGE There are two proximate causes for changes in occupational distribution: technical changes within industries leading to changes in skill coefficients, and differences in the relative rate of growth of industries. 17 shows the percentages in which, in 1951, the occupational classes were combined in the twenty-four industrial orders of the industrial classification. 32 It is apparent that the proportions vary widely from industry to industry and that differential rates of growth between industries will, of themselves, affect the class structure of the labour force.

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