By Adams W. S., Stromberg G.
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Even this kingly privilege is theirs. Then next the DweUers in Olympos created a far inferior race, a race of silver, no wise like to the golden race in body or in mind. For a hundred years the child grew up by his good mother's side, playing in utter childishness within his home. But when he grew to manhood and came to the full measure of age, for but a litde space they lived and in sorrow by reason of their foohshness. For they could not refrain from sinning the one against the other, neither would they worship the deathless gods, nor do sacrifice on the holy altars of the Blessed Ones, as is the manner 6 Works and Days 137--1ff7 of men wheresoever they dwell.
V. I9I sqq. "' Cf. Hesiod, _heog. 8o sqq. 7. Herodotos, {i. 53: 'Whence each of the gods sprang, or if they all were from all eternity, and what were their attributes men knew not till, so to say, yesterday or the day before. For I consider that Hesiod and Homer were earlier in date than myself by four hundred years and no more. And they it was who created the Theogony of the Hellenes, and who assigned to the gods their names and defined their honours and their arts, and declared their attributes.
May there be an only born son to feed his father's house: for so is wealth increased in the halls. But late be thy death if thou leave a second son. Yet even to more might Zeus easily give plenteous wealth. More is the work of more and greater the increase. Now if thy heart in thy breast is set on wealth, do thou thus and work one work upon another : What time the Pleiades, daughters of Atlas, rise, begin thy harvest, thy plowing when they set. Forty days and nights are they hidden and shine again with the revolving year when first the sidde is sharpened.