Orthodontics and paediatric dentistry by Declan Millett BDSc DDS FDS(RCPSGlasg) DOrthRCS(Eng)

By Declan Millett BDSc DDS FDS(RCPSGlasg) DOrthRCS(Eng) MOrthRCS(Eng), Richard Welbury MB BS BDS PhD FDSRCS

(Churchill Livingstone) Univ. of Glasgow, united kingdom. Pocket-sized advisor for these getting ready for tests. Concise textual content is built-in with top of the range, colour scientific images. makes use of an new angle that permits evaluate of a big variety of circumstances. Softcover.

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By Declan Millett BDSc DDS FDS(RCPSGlasg) DOrthRCS(Eng) MOrthRCS(Eng), Richard Welbury MB BS BDS PhD FDSRCS

(Churchill Livingstone) Univ. of Glasgow, united kingdom. Pocket-sized advisor for these getting ready for tests. Concise textual content is built-in with top of the range, colour scientific images. makes use of an new angle that permits evaluate of a big variety of circumstances. Softcover.

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64). Lingual crossbite (scissors bite). Aetiology One or more of the following may be implicated: Mismatch in the widths of the dental arches or an anteroposterior skeletal discrepancy l i ngual crossbite is common in Class II cases (Fig. 64); buccal and/or anterior crossbite occurs often with Class III malocclusion (Fig. 63). Rarely, growth restriction of the mandible following condylar trauma or condylar hyperplasia is implicated. Skeletal. With a digit-sucking habit, the tongue is l owered and cheek contraction during sucking is unopposed, displacing the upper posterior teeth i nto buccal crossbite.

Posterior bite platform.

As half of the dental expansion is l ost, some overexpansion is advisable. Where a single tooth is displaced due to crowding, i t can often be corrected by its extraction or by alignment with the buccally approaching arm on an URA once space has been created. With displacement. Use fixed appliances to expand l ower arch/contract upper arch. Stability is likely if good buccal intercuspation has been achieved. No displacement. Consider surgery. Definition Indications Retention component Some commonly used means are: Used posteriorly in the arch (Figs 74, 75, 76).

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