Selected Writings: Early Slavic Paths and Crossroads/Volume by Roman Jakobson

By Roman Jakobson

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By Roman Jakobson

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G. Vinogradov (Leningrad, 1937), pp. 42, 32. Recorded from the Montenegrin guslar T. Vucic; cf. Archives Neerlandaises de phonetique experimental, VIII-IX (1933), 135-53. 38 Cf. R. Jakobson, " ber den Versbau der serbokroatischen Volksepen", Selected Writings, IV: "Slavic Epic Studies" (The Hague-Paris: Mouton, 1966), 51-60. 37 THE KERNEL OF COMPARATIVE SLAVIC LITERATURE 25 Common Slavic origin. 39 This conjecture was undermined, however, by the fact that no form corresponding to the verse of the Serbo-Croatian siarinske pjesme, "songs of the olden time" (actually recitatives) was found in the Russian stariny, recitals "of the olden time", although they bear a cognate generic name and embody an archaic epic tradition.

13 The same device occurs again and again in the poetry of different Slavic peoples through the centuries. For instance in the lines of the Czech baroque poet, Jan Kofinek: LORvr/ v LORM LOR«// dilo cerne, PHEgifi po nich PREguji grose berne ***14 The etymological figure is reinforced by the homoeoptotons loryri pregifi, loruji - preguji and by the complete syntactic parallelism of the two lines. The fact that the initial root of the second line is repeated only twice, as compared to the triple repetition in the first line, is compensated for by the appearance of the phonemic sequences corresponding to the 13 C.

THE KERNEL OF COMPARATIVE SLAVIC LITERATURE 5 Russians, with even a fair knowledge of Czech, complain of the "unbearable monotony" of Czech verse; and how often Czechs acquainted with Russian, among them even poets, make the same accusation against Russian verse! Neither evaluation is sound: the judges remain prisoners of rhythmical habits inculcated by their mother tongues. In Czech verse, the alternation of long and short vowels is completely independent of the word accent, and provides Czech accentual verse with the possibility of multiple variations.

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