By Jon Paulien
For nearly 2,000 years, John the Revelators phrases have intrigued and confounded readers. for those who imagine the publication of Revelation is essentially approximately politics, battles and wars, youre no longer examining it safely.
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And in that hour there was a great verse says, "The nations were angry, and Your wrath has earthquake and a tenth of the city fell. " All these elements anticipate crucial parts of chapters 12 through 22. Chapter 12, verse 17, picks up Chapter 20, verse 12, talks about the judgment of the dead. " From chapter 11, verse 18, we learn, then, that chap- Duodirectional Ordering of Revelation 12-22 ters 12-14 are all about the dragon's war, and chapters 15-18 are about God's response to the dragon's attack.
If you asked twelve students of Revelation what the seven trumpets are all about, you'd probably get at least thirteen different opinions. I don't intend to explain every detail of the trumpets. But the keys of interpretation that we covered in the first chapter will help us unlock some meanings that you might not have seen before. I noted earlier John's use of what I called duodirectionality-his practice of inserting into the climax of one se- quence a key to what follows. That's true of the seven trumpets: the key to understanding the trumpets is found in the middle of the seven seals.
Is coming when the curtain will be rolled away and ev- So, the prayers of the saints rise up at the beginning of erything set right. The beautiful thing about the book of the seven trumpets as they did in chapter 6, where the Revelation is that in the midst of this incredible apoca- saints-the cry out for justice. lyptic symbolism we catch a glimpse of what will happen Then "the angel took the censer and filled it with the fire in that end-time judgment. Revelation opens a window of the altar and threw it to the earth ....