Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy, Vol. 2: Internal Organs by Friedrich Paulsen, Jens Waschke

By Friedrich Paulsen, Jens Waschke

Sobotta – Atlas of Human Anatomy: the examination atlas for figuring out, studying, and coaching anatomy

The English-language Sobotta Atlas with English nomenclature is in particular tailored to the wishes of preclinical scientific scholars. correct from the beginning, the booklet be aware of exam-relevant knowledge.

The new research idea simplifies learning―understanding―training: Descriptive legends support the coed establish crucial gains within the figures. medical examples current anatomical information in a much broader context. All illustrations were optimized, and the lettering decreased to a minimal. an extra book containing a hundred tables on muscular tissues and nerves helps systematic study

Volume 2 "Internal Organs" comprises the next topics:

  • Viscera of the Thorax
  • Viscera of the Abdomen
  • Pelvis and Retroperitoneal Space

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By Friedrich Paulsen, Jens Waschke

Sobotta – Atlas of Human Anatomy: the examination atlas for figuring out, studying, and coaching anatomy

The English-language Sobotta Atlas with English nomenclature is in particular tailored to the wishes of preclinical scientific scholars. correct from the beginning, the booklet be aware of exam-relevant knowledge.

The new research idea simplifies learning―understanding―training: Descriptive legends support the coed establish crucial gains within the figures. medical examples current anatomical information in a much broader context. All illustrations were optimized, and the lettering decreased to a minimal. an extra book containing a hundred tables on muscular tissues and nerves helps systematic study

Volume 2 "Internal Organs" comprises the next topics:

  • Viscera of the Thorax
  • Viscera of the Abdomen
  • Pelvis and Retroperitoneal Space

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Example text

La te ra lis (clin ical te rm : R. d ia g o n a lis) Rr. in te rv e n tric u la re s se p ta le s c irc u m fle x u s : R. n o d i s in u a tria lis (o n e -th ird o f all • • ca ses): to th e S A n o d e R. m a rg in a lis s in is te r R. p o s te rio r v e n tric u li s in is tri A. coron aria dextra R. interventricularis an terior A. coron aria R. circum flexus Fasciculus atrioventricularis R. marginalis R. marginalis dexter Ostium sinus coronarii A. coron aria dextra, R. interventricularis posterior Fig.

Bronchus segmentalis apicoposterior [Bl, Bll]; Bronchus segmentalis anterior [BUI] Bronchus lobaris superior sinister Bronchi lingulares superior et inferior [BIV, BV] Bronchus segmentalis basalis anterior [BVI 11] Bronchus segmentalis superior [BVI] Bronchus segmentalis basalis lateralis [BIX] Bronchus segmentalis basalis posterior [BX] Fig. 61 B ro n c h i, B ro n c h i; b ro n c h o s c o p y s h o w in g th e s e g m e n ta l b ro n c h i o f th e le ft s id e . It is a p p a re n t th a t th e s e g m e n ta l b ro n c h u s VII is m is s in g on th e le f t s id e (-* Fig.

Coronaria dextra supplied by the A. coronaria sinistra R. interventricularis posterior interventricularis anterior R. lateralis R. interventricularis posterior c Figs. 4 0 a to c A re a s s u p p lie d b y th e A . c o ro n a ria d e x tra (lig h t re d ) a n d s in is tra (d a rk re d ) in th e c ro s s -s e c tio n ; ca ud a l v ie w , (a c c o rd in g to [2] a B a la n c e d o r c o -d o m in a n t p e rfu s io n ty p e : T h e le ft c o ro n a ry a rte ry Figs. 4 1 a to d a s u p p lie s th e a n te rio r tw o -th ird s o f th e s e p tu m via th e Rr.

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