By Zachary Klimecki, Elizabeth Bellenir
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DBS bohydrates, sodium, and other electrolytes such as potassium and calcium What’s in a sports drink? Carbohydrates provide the fuel for muscles and the brain and they contribute to the palat BCJMJUZPGUIFESJOL*EFBMMZUIFTQPSUESJOLTIPVMEIBWFBDBSCPIZESBUFDPODFOUSBUJPOPGo Higher carbohydrate concentrations impair gastric emptying and can cause gastric distress.
5,55,#"5 source of calcium and also are low in fat and calories. 24 Chapter 5 Preventing Dehydration What Is Dehydration? "(5 "5 ),5 -"5 takes in. Dehydration isn’t as serious a problem for teens as it can be for babies or young children. But if you ignore your thirst, dehydration can slow you down. Our bodies are about two thirds water. When someone gets dehydrated, it means the amount of water in his or her body has dropped below the level needed for normal body function. Small decreases don’t cause problems, and in most cases, they go completely unnoticed.
And individual situations can add to the stress: Maybe there’s a recruiter from your No. 1 college scouting you on the sidelines. Whatever the cause, the pressure to win can sometimes stress you to the point where you just don’t know how to have fun anymore. How Can Stress Affect Sports Performance? Stress is a feeling that’s created when we react to particular events. It’s the body’s way of rising to a challenge and preparing to meet a tough situation with focus, strength, stamina, and heightened alertness.