By Rainer Maria Rilke
A unusual poet-translator offers devoted verse translations of seventy two poems in a bilingual version with statement and biographical fabric.
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Sample text
Der Teich entfernte sich in kleinen Wellen, und mit dem Winde kam ein fernes Blühn und sang von Gärten draußen vor der Stadt. Es war, als ob die Dinge sich bekänzten, sie standen licht, unendlich leicht besonnt; ein Fühlen war in jeder Häuserfront, und viele Fenster gingen auf und glänzten. Page 5 First Communion White-veiled, the first-communion children wade Deep into gardens newly green with spring. Here is deliverance from child's estate, And what comes now will be a different thing. Isn't this just time's slow poise, The wait for each new hour to toll out soon?
Far more important for a reading of these poems, however, is the presumed model of art which Rilke here adopts from the tradition of aesthetics inherited from Winckelmann, Goethe and Hegel, where the Classical ideal of beauty in art would be embodied in sculpture (specifically ancient Greek sculpture), so that the human form serves to manifest an authentic sense of divinity as presence. The statue of Apolloso Winckelmann had argued, for instance, in his famous evocation of the Apollo of Belvederetruly reveals the god as immediate or identical to its embodiment in the stone, andas Hegel argued in his Aesthetics, adapting the traditional Neo-Platonic notion of the work of art as the incarnation of spirit or the idealthe human and the divine are perfectly fused in such a Classical statue.
Through a brilliant reversal, signalled by the bold rhyme of past participles: ausgelöst and eingeflößt, Rilke concludes his sonnet with a sense of songthe song of the god Apollo, which is also implicitly the song to which this sonnet aspiresas being here received from a source which remains unexpressed and thus unknown, transcendent. As readers of "Früher Apollo," we need to refer the resonance of this metaphoric transformation back upon the poem itself in such a way that the statue of the god becomes the hypothetical subject, or source, for that as yet unheard and unknown song, which the poem is intended to signify or represent.