By John Cudd
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Stock Subscribers, 1823 227 6. Stock Subscribers, 1831 228 7. Stockholders, 1831 229 8. Stockholders, 1835 231 9. Stock Subscribers, 1835 233 Page vi 10. The Stockholders and Their Holdings, 1823-1836 234 11. Attendance at Stockholders' Meetings, 1824-1836 244 12. Chicopee Company Dividend Rate, 1827-1914 245 13. Annual U. S. Raw Cotton Production (1820-1915) and Consumption (1860-1915) 248 14. Annual U. S. Raw Cotton Exports, 1820-1915 251 15. Annual Value of U. S. Raw Cotton Exports (1820-1915) and Total U.
Dr. Cudd is greatly concerned about the management end of the Chicopee enterprise and sets out the relevant statistics and charts on costs and profits. He has presented the "current" price, cost, and profit data of the available records and indicated to what extent the figures have to be deflated in order to take care of fluctuations at different times. He has done this task with great care. The result is that the average "literary" historian or reader, untrained in statistics, can read this volume and follow both the facts and the theoretical explanations with relative ease.
S. Raw Cotton Production 1820-1840 40 2. Annual U. S. Raw Cotton Exports, 1820-1840 42 3. Annual Value of Total U. S. Exports and of U. S. Raw Cotton Exports, 1820-1840 43 4. Average Annual N. Y. Price of Middling Cotton, 1820-1840 44 5. Annual New England Cloth Output (1820-1840) and Massachusetts Cloth Output (1826-1840) 47 6. Average Annual N. Y. Price of Russian-Brown Sheeting, 1820-1840 50 7. Annual Chicopee Company Dividend Rate and Average Annual Dividend Rate of New England Cotton Companies, 1828-1840 58 8.