The Life and Death of Psychoanalysis by Jamieson Webster

By Jamieson Webster

From its extraordinary start in Freud's self-analysis to its present kingdom of deep concern, psychoanalysis has consistently been a convention that questions its personal lifestyles. just like the sufferers that hazard themselves during this act of wondering - it's by some means upon this threatened flooring that the very lifetime of psychoanalysis relies. probably psychoanalysis should always stay in a precarious, certainly ghostly, place on the restrict of lifestyles and death?In this ebook, Jamieson Webster argues that the lifestyles and demise of psychoanalysis hinges at the query of wish itself, and makes an attempt to convey this query again to the heart of psychoanalytic proposal and perform. the matter of hope is pursued via Webster's personal relation to psychoanalysis, as she recounts the tale of her education during the interpretation of 3 major goals, in addition to her stumble upon with 3 thinkers for whom the matter of psychoanalysis continues to be crucial: Adorno, Lacan, and Badiou. In blurring the road among the private and the theoretical, this ebook not just deals a unique interpretation of the philosophical and psychoanalytic which means of wish, but additionally explores how one, throughout the tough paintings of transference and analyzing, can stay out the lifetime of hope that checks the boundaries of what it ability to be human.

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By Jamieson Webster

From its extraordinary start in Freud's self-analysis to its present kingdom of deep concern, psychoanalysis has consistently been a convention that questions its personal lifestyles. just like the sufferers that hazard themselves during this act of wondering - it's by some means upon this threatened flooring that the very lifetime of psychoanalysis relies. probably psychoanalysis should always stay in a precarious, certainly ghostly, place on the restrict of lifestyles and death?In this ebook, Jamieson Webster argues that the lifestyles and demise of psychoanalysis hinges at the query of wish itself, and makes an attempt to convey this query again to the heart of psychoanalytic proposal and perform. the matter of hope is pursued via Webster's personal relation to psychoanalysis, as she recounts the tale of her education during the interpretation of 3 major goals, in addition to her stumble upon with 3 thinkers for whom the matter of psychoanalysis continues to be crucial: Adorno, Lacan, and Badiou. In blurring the road among the private and the theoretical, this ebook not just deals a unique interpretation of the philosophical and psychoanalytic which means of wish, but additionally explores how one, throughout the tough paintings of transference and analyzing, can stay out the lifetime of hope that checks the boundaries of what it ability to be human.

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This invitation carries with it the possibility of its demise, its double. If the vase was this invitation, it brought with it the letter and the commandment. The letter mirrored this promise but one whose pledge brought certainty and closure. Certainty can come in the form of objectified knowledge. My Grandmother’s commandment is fulfilled in its inverted form—not master of none, one master, one memory. There is nothing but the desire for psychoanalysis to continue. ADORNO Disenchantment and love After all of this talk about psychoanalysis it seems strange to turn to someone so distant from its practice as the philosopher Theodor Adorno.

Nonetheless, this movement he delineates from sentimentality, to love, to the realm of the aesthetic, seems to me close to the very path of sublimation itself. What Freud always indicated by love and work were those areas of life, at a remove from the constraints of self-preservation, that require something of a transformation of desire. Jouissance tends to treat the object as one closer to an object of need without any inherent particularity to that object beyond its quality as sating. Sublimation requires a sacrifice of jouissance, or, as Lacan put it, a renunciation of jouissance so that it can condescend to the inverted ladder of desire.

22 T H E L I F E A N D D E AT H O F P S Y C H OA N A LY S I S It is this movement of desire that the neurotic cannot bear. Paralysis, dissatisfaction, complaint, feels more secure than this work with desire. Underneath this inhibition, as with Freud, lies a greediness that knows no obstacles. While I read this essay of Adorno’s, I hear in him as he reads Hegel the movement of analysis as I have come to understand it through Lacan. Adorno, with Hegel, out of love for Hegel, allowed himself momentarily to be a dupe.

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