The Scientific Papers of James Clerk Maxwell by Maxwell J.C., Niven W.D.

By Maxwell J.C., Niven W.D.

One of many maximum theoretical physicists of the 19th century, James Clerk Maxwell is healthier recognized for his reports of the electromagnetic box. those a hundred and one medical papers, prepared chronologically, testify to Maxwell's profound medical legacy and supply smooth scholars of arithmetic and physics stimulating interpreting. Unabridged republication of the 1890 variation. Edited and with a biographical creation and demanding estimation via W. D. Niven

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By Maxwell J.C., Niven W.D.

One of many maximum theoretical physicists of the 19th century, James Clerk Maxwell is healthier recognized for his reports of the electromagnetic box. those a hundred and one medical papers, prepared chronologically, testify to Maxwell's profound medical legacy and supply smooth scholars of arithmetic and physics stimulating interpreting. Unabridged republication of the 1890 variation. Edited and with a biographical creation and demanding estimation via W. D. Niven

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