By Bechtell H.
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This can be seen in the fact that the 1995 Halifax Summit’s communiqué was leaked to the press before its official release but differed from the document that was eventually issued. Below the communiqué, a political declaration, action plan/s and/or chairman’s statement are often issued to address a specific issue like hijacking, regional conflicts, and East–West relations. Other documents include responses by the presidency on behalf of the G8, such as Tony Blair’s response to the Jubilee 2000 campaign at the 1998 Birmingham Summit.
Alongside Germany, it was eager to have the end of the Cold War and the handling of Russia discussed within the summit. In fact, Gorbachev’s letter to the G7 members was encouraged by the French sherpa, Jacques Attali. In addition, as a result of the shift away from the original emphasis on a simple and informal summit process, the French, like other summit members, have held lavish, high-profile and self-glorifying summits. Like other G8 participants, France’s participation is partly the result of the character of its leader, the President of the Republic, and this shift towards lavishness can be pinned to the influence of Mitterrand in particular: “For François Mitterrand .
This was the predicted schedule before the opening of the 2005 Gleneagles Summit and, although disrupted by terrorist attacks on 7 July 2005, proceeded by and large as planned. It is evident that with many summits’ schedules, there is a certain amount of ceremony and a number of functions are involved, but at the same time it represents quite an intensive period of time for the leaders to be in the same room as each other. m. 3 There has also been some fluctuation in the length of the summit. Summits in the first cycle tended to last two days but thereafter have generally spanned three days.