Transitions to democracy by Lisa Anderson

By Lisa Anderson

Are the criteria that start up democratization just like those who preserve a democracy already demonstrated?

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By Lisa Anderson

Are the criteria that start up democratization just like those who preserve a democracy already demonstrated?

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Or one group may find a way of crushing the opponents after all. In these and other ways an apparent evolution toward democracy may be deflected, and at no time more easily than during the preparatory phase. C. Decision Phase Robert Dahl has written that, ‘‘Legal party opposition . . ’’38 This accords with Bryce’s emphasis on the redress 30 dankwart a. rustow of specific grievances as democracy’s vehicle and with the assumption here that the transition to democracy is a complex process stretching over many decades.

M. Lipset, Political Man (New York, 1960), pp. 88ff. Already, A. Lawrence Lowell had spoken of the need for a party alignment where ‘‘the line at division is vertical,’’ cutting across the horizontal division of classes. Government and Parties in Continental Europe (Boston, 1896), vol. 2, pp. 65ff. 4. Robert A. Dahl, Who Governs? (New Haven, 1961); Herbert McClosky, ‘‘Consensus and Ideology in American Politics,’’ American Political Science Review, LVIII (June 1964); James W. Prothro and Charles M.

The Long Road to International Relations Theory: Problems of Statistical Non-Additivity,’’ World Politics XVIII (July 1966); Deane Neubauer, ‘‘Some Conditions of Democracy,’’ American Political Science Review LXI (December 1967). This statement of the function of the social scientist is taken from Rustow A World of Nations, p. , pp. 142ff. Reinhard Bendix and Seymour Martin Lipset, ‘‘Political Sociology,’’ Current Sociology, VI, No. 2 (1957), p. 85. David E. Apter, The Politics of Modernization (Chicago, 1965).

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