By Sergei G. Kazarian (auth.), Karina Grundke, Manfred Stamm, Hans-Jürgen Adler (eds.)
This quantity comprises contributions to the 10th Dresden Polymer dialogue which used to be held in Meißen close to Dresden from April 10 to thirteen, 2005 equipped by means of the Leibniz Institute of Polymer study Dresden and the Institute of Macromolecular and cloth Chemistry of the Technische Universität Dresden. The assembly used to be focussed on Characterization of Polymer Surfaces and skinny movies.
Comprehensive characterization of surfaces and interfaces is vital to narrate floor and skinny movie homes to micro constitution and molecular beginning, that is, nonetheless, the main to technological keep watch over and development of fabrics.
The contributions during this quantity conceal a consultant spectrum of floor delicate strategies and their software to polymer floor and skinny movie characterization in addition to fresh examples of technologically correct fabrics and procedure development.
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GISAXS – A Short Introduction In the region of total external reflection, the incident and exit angle αi and α f are small enough to neglect the influence of the periodic crystal structure and to use a description based on one mean refractive index n j = 1 − δ j + iβ j [22–24]. Since the dispersion part e2 λ2 ρj δ j (q, λ) = 2 8π m e c2 ε0 k f k0 (q, λ) + f (λ) Mk k in case of X-rays is larger than zero, each medium, such as a polymer film and its solid support are optically thinner as compared to the surrounding air or vacuum.
8 µm. It should be noted, that without fitting the data with a simple model as explained in GISAXS – A Short Introduction and Experimental Requirements for High-resolution GISAXS, just from the position of the peak in the high resolution set up (blue open circles in Fig. 9a) a smaller length would be determined, due to the influence of the resolution function. Only in case of a clear separation of the resolution peak and the structural peak, such as measured with the ultra-high resolution set-up for this particular example, the peak position directly gives access to the most prominent in-plane length via a simple Bragg-like analysis and without applying a model fit.
02 pi / pi0 . Here the change in layer-thickness has more bearing on the signal. The isotherms of the SPRmeasurements are all curved up to higher concentrations. In any case a compromise between the aspects of signal height and kinetics has to be found. The interaction kinetics of thick layers is very slow but high signal to noise-ratios are found. For thinner layers, the signals are weaker and the fitting of the Henry-Langmuir-equation to the calibration curve is less exact. But for all three methods a good agreement to the sorption model was found.