By Nomiyama H., Yoshie O.
ELC (EBIl-ligand chemokine) (Yoshida et al, 1997). often referred to as MIP-3;'i (macrophage inflammatory protein 3beta and Exodus-3, belongs to a unique category of CC chemokines that's hugely expressed in lymphoid tissues and has chemotactic task for lymphocytes, yet no longer for monocytes or granulocytes. ELC particularly binds and signs via CCR7/EBI1/BLR2. The human gene for ELC (SCYAI9) is found on chromosome 9pl3. that is strange in that the majority different CC chemokine genes are mapped on chromosome 17. one other CC chemokine SLC 6Ckine stocks the receptor CCR7 with ELC and has its gene at the related chromosome as ELC. even if they percentage purely 32% amino acid identity.These findings recommend that ELC and SLC have been derived from a typical ancestor and feature a task in lymphocyte homing into and trafficking inside lymphoid tissues and the thymus.
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6)) and any finitely generated ~x-submodule of the free Dx-module of rank one, V~~, induces a ~-lattice M~ ~ V~ such that ~o~(M~) = M~. Finally, ifx = oo (resp. x = o), we have seen that ( v ~ , q ~ ) = (v;~, ~o~,)~ (resp. (Vo, q~o) = (Vo,, q~o) , d) as a module over D~ = IMa(F| (resp. Do = ~4Id(Fo)). 8) there exists a lattice M " c V " (resp. M'o ~ V'o) such that M" (r176 = ~ (M'~) = wg 1 M " dimk(qg~(M'~)/M'~) = 1 (resp. woM'o c (P'o(M'o) ~ M'o dimk (M'o/q" ( M ' ) ) = 1 and the support of M'o/q~'o (M'o) is the connected component of Spec(K(o) | k) c Spec(Co | k) which corresponds to the given embedding x(o) ~ k) 268 G.
We can factor r~ through where gfEx, e is viewed as a K(oo)-stack by the pole map. -• Let us begin with the representability. Let S be a scheme (over let E = (~i, j~, t~),~z be a ~-elliptic sheaf over S and let 2:S ~ Spec(x(~)d) lFq-morphism of schemes which lifts the pole i ~ , o : S ~ {~} of E. For each negative interger n, let J. be the f p p f sheaf , t ~,O)/~iI~ M e , 1 (ion,o), proIFq), be a non- ~,, o/rn oo ~rb) over S. ~ ''. +i ~ J. is the reduction modulo w~+~. 's are clearly representable by S-schemes and the transition maps are all affine and locally finitely presented.
2~ ~Doo/vJ~, - • z resp. K ~ ' ~ 1 7 6 on f~,o} is the action of right translations on the factor Y~ = 7/(resp. D~/~oo, - • z resp. (D~'~215 Moreover, the action of Frob~o on M(k)tr ' fz)is induced by the translation (r deg(o), r) on the factor Y~ x Y~ = 7/• 7l of ~'7~'~ the correspondence M(g~'~ Ol / M(k)(L ~t * - - - M(k)tr, nl is induced by the correspondence (D ~,o)• (D~,O)• ~,o n (g oo,o)- ~K ~,Og ~,o) <5 (D~,O)• ~,o where cl(h~'~ ~'~ c~ ( g ~ ' ~ 1 7 6 1 7 6 = h~'~ cz(h~'~ ~'~ c~ (g~176176176176 = h~'~ ~'~ on the factor (D~'~ x of fk~,o} and the action of ( -D• ~ / ~ )z/ K ~induced by the action by right translations of D~/vJ~o - • z on itself.