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Golicic, D. F. Davis, T. M. McCarthy Similar to the other examples, Jaafer & Rafiq (2004) conducted a survey and analysed the data using structural equation modelling, but not before using an inductive method to better inform their theory and survey items. The authors were trying to replicate the logistics service quality scale in the context of third party logistics services in the UK. They needed to determine if the scale was appropriate for their context so they first conducted depth interviews with nine customers of third party logistics services.

2004): Effects of supplier trust on performance of cooperative supplier relationships, in: Journal of Operations Management, 22: 23-38. Lamming, R. (1993): Beyond Partnership: strategies for innovation and lean supply Prentice Hall, New York. Lee, H. , Carter, B. (1993): Hewlett-Packard gains control of inventory and service through design for localization, in: Interfaces, 23(4): 1-11. Lee, H. , Whang, S. (1997): Information distortion in a supply chain: the Bullwhip Effect, in: Management Science, 43: 543-558.

One View of OM? The challenges of integrating research & practice, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference European Operations Management Association, Cernobbio, Lake Como, 16-18 June 2003, Servizi Grafici Editoriali, Padova: p. 351-360. Van der Vaart, J. , Van Donk, D. P. (2003b): Explaining buyer-focused operations as a supply chain strategy: empirical findings, in: Pawar, K. , Muffatto, M. ): Logistics and Networked Organisations, Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Logistics, University of Nottingham, Nottingham: p.

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