Energy and protein metabolism and nutrition in sustainable by M. Herrero (auth.), James W. Oltjen, Ermias Kebreab, Hélène

By M. Herrero (auth.), James W. Oltjen, Ermias Kebreab, Hélène Lapierre (eds.)

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By M. Herrero (auth.), James W. Oltjen, Ermias Kebreab, Hélène Lapierre (eds.)

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Keeping track of our changing environment. From Rio to Rio +20. org. , Solymosi, K. and T. Tennigkeit, 2012. Options to support grassland restoration in the context of climate FKDQJHPLWLJDWLRQ5HSRUWFRPPLVVLRQHGE\)$2)UHLEXUJ*HUPDQ\SS World Resources Institute, 2009. World Greenhouse Gas Emissions: 2005. org/chart/worldgreenhouse-gas-emissions-2005. 44 Energy and protein metabolism and nutrition in sustainable animal production Part 1. Energy and protein interactions, ruminants Challenges in ruminant nutrition: towards minimal nitrogen losses in cattle J.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. , Brauman, K. , Cassidy, E. , Gerber, J. , Mueller, N. , Ray, D. , West, P. , Bennett, E. , Carpenter, S. , Tilman, D. and Zak, D. P. M. 2011. Solutions for a cultivated planet. Nature 478, 337-342. *DUQHWW7DQG*RGIUD\+&-6XVWDLQDEOHLQWHQVL¿FDWLRQQDYLJDWLQJWKURXJKDFRXUVHRIFRPSOH[LWLHV)RRG and Climate Research Network, University of Oxford, UK. M. and Toulmin, C. 2010. Food security: the challenge of feeding 9 billion people.

E. to drought/famines). , 2010). More advanced farmers or larger farmers in the developing world are likely to rely on the private sector for these support services. It is essential that the roles of women in production and trading of livestock products and in controlling livestock assets are taken into consideration when designing these institutional mechanisms. Animal health and food safety: regulation and surveillance in an era of more animals, higher volumes of food trade and more diseases Security of animal source foods, health threats to animal assets, and food safety are inextricably linked.

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