By J. Evans
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I f any reader believes all these errors were made by accident, there is a bridge you may want to buy a piece of which links Manhattan and Brookl yn. These brutal pressures forced us individuall y and collectively 10 adapt or die. The continuing works of those w ho love thi s fi eld are transforming early curses into evol utionruy bless ings. We are a tougher, wiser breed now, and those who were not crushed can celebrate a bit before plunging into the challenges ahead. C linical biofeedback as a field continues to spread .
When the Irnnsit velocity was increased. the average firing rate of the neuron went up as expected. but the high variability was still present. When the variance was calculated for en h value of the transit velocity, it was found to be even larger than would be the casc if the neuron lired completely at random! ) In a r'lI1dom process. the variance equals the average va lue (as in radioactive decay, fo r exa mple). W hcn the ca lcu lated variabili ty is even greater. the noise must be con·clated.
Inds in the timing or frequency domain. Thi s may be parti cularl y rel eva nt to conditi ons of dysfunction that have littl e manifest orga ni c or structural basis, such a minor traumatic brain injury, fibromyalgia, chroni c fa ti gue sy ndrome, and premenstrual sy ndrome (PMS) . The fact that thi s shift in perspective happens to be difficult to bring about is likel y to be attributabl e to the traditi onal preoccupation of medicine with stnlcturally based models. The neurochemical models of neuroregul ati on still belong in the domain of structure, even when they are used to describe brain fun cti on and its defi cits.