Paris-Bucharest, Bucharest-Paris: Francophone writers from

This choice of essays provides new learn at the paintings of Romanian writers who selected French as a literary language. Romanian is itself, after all, a Romance language, and there's a lengthy historical past of shut Franco-Romanian ties. yet given the complicated and infrequently multilingual cultural history of those writers-whose impacts integrated German, Russian, and Ottoman-their contribution to French literature represents a special hybrid type of francophonie. And but not like the literary creation of former French colonies, this paintings has obtained little scholarly cognizance as a contribution to French literature. This booklet goals to rectify this example. concentrating on the old, cultural, and creative hyperlinks among France and Romania within the 20th century from the point of view of such figures as Tristan Tzara, Anna de Noailles, Panaït Istrati, Eugène Ionesco, Isidore Isou, and E.M. Cioran, the essays boost cutting edge and insightful views in regards to the paintings of person authors. the amount as a complete will therefore serve to reshape triumphing conceptions of Francophone literary creation and to extend essentially the conceptual limitations of Francophone experiences.

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This choice of essays provides new learn at the paintings of Romanian writers who selected French as a literary language. Romanian is itself, after all, a Romance language, and there's a lengthy historical past of shut Franco-Romanian ties. yet given the complicated and infrequently multilingual cultural history of those writers-whose impacts integrated German, Russian, and Ottoman-their contribution to French literature represents a special hybrid type of francophonie. And but not like the literary creation of former French colonies, this paintings has obtained little scholarly cognizance as a contribution to French literature. This booklet goals to rectify this example. concentrating on the old, cultural, and creative hyperlinks among France and Romania within the 20th century from the point of view of such figures as Tristan Tzara, Anna de Noailles, Panaït Istrati, Eugène Ionesco, Isidore Isou, and E.M. Cioran, the essays boost cutting edge and insightful views in regards to the paintings of person authors. the amount as a complete will therefore serve to reshape triumphing conceptions of Francophone literary creation and to extend essentially the conceptual limitations of Francophone experiences.

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19 1RDLOOHV¶VFRQFHUQDERXWVXFK6XILFRQFHSWVDVKHDUW and love in her life and her emphasis on them in her art coincide with this particular interpretation of gnosis in Sufi philosophy. RUDQ´ Sufi Literature: Special Paper 1). ScKLPPHO ZULWHVWKDW³Sufism developed during the ninth century almost everywhere in the Muslim world´   For the origins of Sufism, see Reynold A. Nicholson, The Mystics of Islam; and Arthur J. Arberry, Sufism: An Account of the Mystics of Islam. 18 It is too obvious that such images as the sun, fire, and JDUGHQVLQ1RDLOOHV¶s poetry and prose are loaded with mystic significance and they were created with the direct influence of the Sufi mysticism of Saâdi and Rumi.

According to scholars Arasteh and Sheikh, one of the dreams of the Sufis, as voiced by Rumi, was to bring an ecumenical parity to all religions by closing the mental differences that fed the needs of Muslim, Jewish, and Christian communities. One aspect of Sufi education FHQWHUVRQWKLV³LGHDORIKHDOLQJ´ FI ,QDSRHPEHJLQQLQJ with ³:KDWLVWREHGRQH´5XPLVD\V: What is to be done, O Moslems? for I do not recognise myself. I am neither Christian, nor Jew, nor Gabr, nor Moslem. I am not of the East, nor of the West, nor of the land, nor of the sea; ,DPQRWRI1DWXUH¶VPLQW, nor of the circling heavens.

Her discipleship reveals not only an inadvertent sharing RIWKHGHSWKRIWKH6XILV¶FRQQHFWLRQZLWKWKHKXPDQand divine spirit but also a conscious emulation of their work. The nonpareil religious undertones LQ 1RDLOOHV¶V ZRUN GLVFORVH KHU GHIW XVH RI VRPH RI WKH esoteric concepts of Sufi mysticism as tropes to evoke her own particular mystic literary universe. 17 Considering the numerous volumes of 16 1RDLOOHV ZURWH D SUHIDFH WR WKH  HGLWLRQ RI 6DkGL¶V Le jardin des roses [The Rose Garden].

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