By John F. Pierce
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Cm , 0, . . , 0, d1 , . . , dn )+ 1 (r − s, . . , r − s; s − r, . . , s − r) → 2 σ = (a1 , . . , ak , 0, . . , 0, d1 , . . , dn ; c1 , . . , cm , 0, . . , 0, b1 , . . , b )+ 1 (p − q, . . , p − q; q − p, . . , q − p) 2 where the obvious inequalities hold: k + ≤ p, m + n ≤ q, k + n ≤ r, m + ≤ s III. (G, G ) = (Sp(p, q), O ∗ (2n)), (K, K ) = (Sp(p) × Sp(q), U (n)). (a1 , . . , ar , 0, . . , 0; b1 , . . , bs , 0, . . , 0) → (a1 , . . , ar , 0, . . , 0, −b1 , . . , −bs ) + (p − q, .
Finally (O(p, q), Sp(2nR)) witih p + q = 2n + 1 is in [4], this is similar to [33] except that the covering groups are unavoidable. We first consider the case p, q even. In this case the covering of Sp(2n, R) splits and the correspondence can be written in terms of the linear groups. Roughly speaking the correspondence in these cases is “functorial”, and a number of nice properties hold which fail in general. In particular the minimal K–type in the sense of Vogan is always of minimal degree in this situation.
Ak , 0, . . , 0; ) 1− 2 Sp(2n, R) : (p−2k) p p p p p p τ = (a1 + , . . , ak + , + 1, . . , + 1, , . . , ) . 2 2 2 2 2 2 All such highest weights occur, subject to the constraints k ≤ [ p2 ] and k + 1− 2 (p − 2k) ≤ n. 20 Jeffrey Adams This means that the weight σ for O(p) is the highest weight of the irreducible representation σ, and the weight for Sp(2n, R) is the highest weight of the K –type of τ of lowest degree in π . II. (U (p), U (m, n)) The inverse image K of U (p) in Sp(2p(m + n), R) is isomorphic to the p m+n cover defined by the character det 2 .