UNAIDS Legal and Regulatory Self-Assessment Tool for Male by UNAIDS


This self-assessment device offers useful suggestions on criminal, regulatory, and coverage concerns linked to implementation and scale-up of male circumcision providers for HIV transmission prevention in sub-Saharan Africa. the result of the evaluate strategy could be worthy for healthiness software planners and others who're contemplating the creation or enlargement of male circumcision prone within the context of entire HIV prevention courses. it truly is meant for use periodically in all nations, despite implementation level, to gauge how good the present felony and regulatory framework is aiding male circumcision provider scale-up for HIV prevention and point out what alterations might be required.

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This self-assessment device offers useful suggestions on criminal, regulatory, and coverage concerns linked to implementation and scale-up of male circumcision providers for HIV transmission prevention in sub-Saharan Africa. the result of the evaluate strategy could be worthy for healthiness software planners and others who're contemplating the creation or enlargement of male circumcision prone within the context of entire HIV prevention courses. it truly is meant for use periodically in all nations, despite implementation level, to gauge how good the present felony and regulatory framework is aiding male circumcision provider scale-up for HIV prevention and point out what alterations might be required.

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Sample text

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Halls, London 2002. , 1973, ‘A Philistine Temple at Tell Qasile’, Biblical Archaeologist 36: 42–48. ———, Excavations at Tell Qasile, Part One. The Philistine Sanctuary: Architecture and Cult Objects (Qedem 12), Jerusalem 1980. ———, Excavations at Tell Qasile, Part Two (Qedem 20), Jerusalem 1985. D. ), The Sea Peoples and Their World: A Reassessment, University Museum Monograph 108, University Museum Symposium Series 11, 213–32, Philadelphia 2000. E. Killebrew and G. ), The Philistines and Other Sea Peoples in Text and Archaeology, 131–144, Atlanta 2013.

But how is the act itself performed? Indeed, this is only one of many missing details. Scholars differ considerably over whether the offering-torot contain such details or not. ’ Yet in the same volume, we also read: ‘Absolutely nothing is recorded in Leviticus about how animals were slaughtered or about the tools used in the process’ (Levine 1989, xxxix). We thus turn now to addressing this ambiguity in the perception of the text and the role that gaps play in it. In order to make some general remarks on the genre of the offering-torot, I will return to the question of this article’s subtitle.

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