Saladedemais VGM Best ~ PC88/PC98 Action Side
That one is an actual repost from the old days, i’ll quote the nfo there too:
I never played PC88/98 or any other japanese retro PCs as a kid. In fact, I pretty much ignored their existence until a few years back. I discovered them, and their sound systems, thanks to my tastes in videogame music. Almost exclusively Falcom works at first, of course, then after much listening to Sound Team JDK’s goodness, my ears kinda learned to appreciate the true minimalist power and poetry of those early chiptune sounds. I thus widened my horizons, and became quite addicted.
There is a reason why Falcom’s music or people like Yuzo Koshiro are so famous, though: they do tend to rock much more often than the others. After listening to so many PC88 soundtracks, one understands why something like the first Ys OST was such a shock. Still, many hidden gems are hiding in what could sound like an average, or even mediocre soundtrack, at first. This is of course the reason to be of this compilation.
Enjoy ~
February 12th, 2010 at 12:43 am
Salut ! Je suis tombé sur ton blog, à la recherche de morceaux pour alimenter une compile perso. J’entame à peine l’éventail de tous ces rips, en commençant par cette compile excellente qui m’a fait découvrir une nouvelle machine aux sonorités FM comme je les aime. Je tenais à te remercier pour ce boulot !
Au passage, je continue encore à chercher des pistes supplémentaires pour compléter ma galette. Si jamais tu connais des bandes son de JV qui se prêteraient au thème, passe donc faire un tour sur les forums de Game Playlist (
February 12th, 2010 at 2:10 am
héhé, une compile shred de VGM, c’est tout à fait dans mes goûts oui. J’en aurais effectivement des tonnes à te proposer, mais il faut que je trouve le temps. J’essaierais de te faire une liste pour ton sujet. :)
September 12th, 2021 at 2:23 pm
It’s so nice to see a good old blog-styled webpage… You’ve been posting.. no! Making articles till y2019. Well I recently found that archive. shared it also! Cool things. Thank you
March 1st, 2024 at 12:29 pm
Thanks \[T]’/