Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Gold Box Adlib Collection

May 1st, 2024 niki

Been a while ! Here’s a collection of songs from the vast Gold Box Advanced Dungeons & Dragons and co PC games. I chose to include Adlib versions only for coherency, except for Pool of Radiance which is Tandy (and was also used for Curse of the Azure Bonds).

Pretty atmospheric medieval tunes here, as often on this blog. I didn’t record any of this myself and compiled various recordings I gathered on the web along the years.

Enjoy ~

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Saladedemaïs ~ Obscure SNES RPGs Vol.6

October 19th, 2018 niki


Volume 6 !

There’ll be a vol.7 after all …

Enjoy ~

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Saladedemaïs ~ Obscure SNES RPGs Vol.5

October 2nd, 2018 niki


Volume 5 ~

Enjoy ~

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Saladedemaïs ~ Obscure SNES RPGs Vol.4

September 29th, 2018 niki


Volume 4 ~

Enjoy ~

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Saladedemaïs ~ Obscure SNES RPGs Vol.3

September 23rd, 2018 niki


Volume 3 !

Enjoy ~

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Saladedemaïs ~ Obscure SNES RPGs Vol.2

September 19th, 2018 niki


And here’s Volume 2 !

Enjoy ~

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Saladedemaïs ~ Obscure SNES RPGs Vol.1

September 17th, 2018 niki


It’s time to finally start releasing a long winded project that has now spanned several years. I undertook the task of collecting the music of every single RPG, ARPG and Tactical games ever released on the SNES a good 7/8 years ago. Collecting them took a while, and listening to them took even longer. I’m still short of a few but it’s close enough.

Obscure SNES RPGs is the result of those long listening hours over the years. Anything that stood out was rated along the way and compiled in ~100 tracks volumes. There will be 6 volumes total, each packing around 4 hours of music.

Here’s the first one. Hope you enjoy ~

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Saladedemaïs Amiga Compilation Vol.2

January 2nd, 2017 niki


Here the second volume of the Amiga compilation. I have still lots of soundtracks to listen to, so you can expect more compilations in the following months.
I hope you’ll enjoy!


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Saladedemaïs Amiga Compilation Vol.1

November 9th, 2016 niki


We’re back after almost 2 years. Sorry guys! But I didn’t waste my time and I’ve listened to tons of Amiga game music. Even if I really like the “Amiga sound”, not all music is worth listening. So I’ve made some selections I would like to share with you.

I haven’t played all those games, so when I don’t know where the music is from in the game, I just tagged “Ingame”.

More compilations will come (shortly I hope)!

Special thanks to Titan and Moonchild for their high-quality rips.

Enjoy! Olive~

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MPTeam – Ragnarok Online Selection

May 26th, 2008 niki

Yeah, we play Ragnarok Online. This is basically a chronological selection of the places we (MPTeam) spent time on. There again, the aim is to recreate the atmosphere of a gaming experience.

Music is by the most excellent SoundTeMP Korean composer team. Should be releasing more stuff by them in the future.

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Saladedemais VGM Best ~ PC88/PC98 Action Side

May 10th, 2008 niki

That one is an actual repost from the old days, i’ll quote the nfo there too:

I never played PC88/98 or any other japanese retro PCs as a kid. In fact, I pretty much ignored their existence until a few years back. I discovered them, and their sound systems, thanks to my tastes in videogame music. Almost exclusively Falcom works at first, of course, then after much listening to Sound Team JDK’s goodness, my ears kinda learned to appreciate the true minimalist power and poetry of those early chiptune sounds. I thus widened my horizons, and became quite addicted.

There is a reason why Falcom’s music or people like Yuzo Koshiro are so famous, though: they do tend to rock much more often than the others. After listening to so many PC88 soundtracks, one understands why something like the first Ys OST was such a shock. Still, many hidden gems are hiding in what could sound like an average, or even mediocre soundtrack, at first. This is of course the reason to be of this compilation.

Enjoy ~

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MPTeam – VGM Best Vol.1 – Early Sega Days

May 9th, 2008 niki

And there goes a first release. Re-release actually since it was posted on specialized forums already a while ago…. Anyway, I’ll just quote the nfo:

This is part of a project which aims at creating video game music compilations of all the essential titles me, my brother and cousin played as kids and thoughout our adolescence. In this first volume, we first get to hear music from games of my cousin’s Master System. We then continue on the Game Gear part, which was the first console I ever actually owned. I had to record most of the Game Gear tracks myself since game logs for this system are rare. All the rest, though, are recorded from emulated game logs. The purpose of this isnt as much to create an objective best-of as it is an attempt to re-create the atmosphere of what seems to be so long ago already, and awake memories.

Hope some people out there will like it ~

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